February 2012: The California Digital Library (CDL) and the Public Knowledge Project (PKP) have announced a partnership that focuses on supporting open source publishing infrastructure. As a result of the partnership, CDL will assist PKP’s “ongoing development and support of its open source software suite” which includes Open Journal Systems (OPS), Open Conference Systems (OCS), Open Harvester System (OHS), and Open Monograph Press (OMP). For more information, see the joint press release (PDF).
Day: February 27, 2012
Nature Publishing Group and UC
February 2012: As has been reported in the past (see posts for June 9, 2010 and August 31, 2010), the University of California and the Nature Publishing Group (NPG) have been engaged in a protracted (and somewhat public) negotiation regarding a proposed increase in UC’s subscription costs for NPG journals. UC and NPG have been meeting regularly over the last several months and, in an effort to provide UC faculty and librarians with the latest information on the discussions, a document “University of California Update on Discussions with Nature Publishing Group” (PDF) as been posted on the UC Reshaping Scholarly Communication website.
Wiley ebooks – title list 2012
You may remember a couple posts from last year (Wiley ebooks – title lists and more Wiley ebooks) in which we described how to find the title list for Wiley ebooks. CDL has updated the list with the 2012 books that have been added to the collection so far. When the 2012 collection is complete at the end of the year, we can expect to have access to approximately 1,100 ebooks for Wiley.
As a reminder, here’s how to see the list: Go to the CDL Resource Information page, then click on Wiley ebook title list, 2011-2012. And, remember, you’ll need a password to get in.