College de France is Podcasting

The Collège de France hosts podcasts in literature, history, philosophy, and more. Recent uploads include: Colloque de rentrée, Envie d’Amphi, Alain Prochiantz, Roger Chartier, Henry Laurens, Jean Kellens, Gérard Berry, Michel Zink, Michael Edwards, Antoine Compagnon, Pierre Rosanvallon, Jon Elster et Gilles Veinstein, John Sheid, Anne Fagot-Largeault, Stanislas Dehaene, Pierre Corvol, Mireille Delmas-Marty, Jacques Bouveresse, Pierre Magistretti.

Bibliotheque de Toulouse Photostream

Among several historic collections, the Fonds Eugene Trutat contains more than 5,000 photographs of life in the Pyrénées. The pictures – many of which have been digitized and uploaded to the Flickr photostream – paint a unique landscape of life in the region at the beginning of the 20th Century. Other digital library collections such as Le Cri de Toulouse can be accessed directly from the Bibliothèque de Toulouse site.

is a portal to over 100 online journals in the humanities and social sciences.

Like Persée and other open access projects in France, the site provides full-text to a broad range of scholarly titles such as Annales historiques de la Révolution française, Cahiers de recherches médiévales, Les Cahiers d’Outre-Mer, COnTEXTES: Revue de sociologie de la littérature, Recherches linguistiques de Vincennes, Revue d’histoire du XIXe siècle, and more. Developed and maintained by the Centre pour l’édition électronique ouverte (CLEO) in Marseille, founding partners include CNRS, EHESS, Université de Provence and the Université d’Avignon.

Europa Film Treasures

Les Kiriki - Acrobates Japonais (France, 1917)
Les Kiriki – Acrobates japonais
(France, 1917)

An initiative of the Trésors des Archives Européennes was launched earlier this year in 5 languages and offers free streams of hard-to-find films and documentaries. Europa Film Treasures also doubles as a portal to many of the most important European film archives – a handy map links to La Cinémathèque française, Institut Lumière, Cinémathèque de la Ville de Luxembourg, and more.

40,000 e-books via ebrary

"Politics and theater: the crisis of legitimacy in restoration France, 1815-1830" (Berkeley: UC Press, c2000; ebrary, 2008)

Ebrary’s Academic Complete is UC Berkeley’s newest and largest subscription-based collection of e-books. It offers nearly 40,000 current titles in a wide range of subjects and provides immediate access to many current titles (mostly in English) for French studies such as Blood and violence in early modern France / Stuart Carroll, France and women, 1789-1914: gender, society and politics / James F. McMilland, Colonial memory and postcolonial Europe : Maltese settlers in Algeria and France / Andrea L. Smith, Politics and theater: the crisis of legitimacy in restoration France, 1815-1830 / Sheryl Kroen, The feminist encyclopedia of French literature / Eva Martin Sartori, Pulp surrealism: insolent popular culture in early twentieth-century Paris / Robin Walz, and hundreds more.

"Pulp surrealism : insolent popular culture in early twentieth-century Paris" (Berkeley: UC Press, c2000; ebrary, 2008)

All records have already been loaded to Pathfinder to facilitate their discovery. For direct access to and information on how to download the ebrary reader, please see

Europeana goes live


After a brief and overwhelminingly popular launch in November, Europeana – the European digital library, museum, and archive has relaunched its current prototype, providing direct access to more than 2 million digital objects, including film material, photos, paintings, sounds, maps, manuscripts, books, newspapers, and archival papers.

Plans for Europeana Version 1.0 with links to over 6 million digital objects are in store for 2010. One of many parallel projects of The European Library, this cross-cultural and scientific heritage portal is funded by the European Commission and its member states, overseen by the EDL Foundation, and made possible through the efforts of an extensive network of partners and contributors.

Pierre Alferi, 2009 Regents’ Lecturer


French novelist, poet, and essayist Pierre Alferi visits UC Berkeley as Regents’ Lecturer from January 22-30, 2009. A complete list of readings, lectures, film screenings, and a short bio-bibliography is available on the French Department’s web site. The Doe Library has many of his works in French and in translation, and the DVD of Cinépoèmes" & "Films parlants" was recently added to the Media Resources Center’s collection in Moffitt Library (in case you miss the screening in Dwinelle on 1/22).

Pierre Alferi, 2009 Regents’ Lecturer


French novelist, poet, and essayist Pierre Alferi visits UC Berkeley as Regents’ Lecturer from January 22-30, 2009. A complete list of readings, lectures, film screenings, and a short bio-bibliography is available on the French Department’s web site. The Doe Library has many of his works in French and in translation, and the DVD of Cinépoèmes" & "Films parlants" was recently added to the Media Resources Center’s collection in Moffitt Library (in case you miss the screening in Dwinelle on 1/22).

Ross Chambers @ Berkeley


Ross Chambers, the 2008-2009 Pajus Distinguished Visitor in French Studies, will lead a 6-week seminar series in spring, 2009 beginning on February 4. More information including a short book list is available on the department’s web site. Story and Situation: Narrative Seduction and the Power of Fiction (1984) is available electronically via the Library’s new subscription to ebrary. His other works can be located in print via Pathfinder.