Current number or records in ERF: 1062
ADDED since last update:
- Index to Jewish Periodicals: on the EBSCOhost platform
- Lieberman Talmud Text: digitized collection of all primary witnesses to the Babylonian Talmud
- Oxford Encyclopedia of Ancient Egypt: Egyptology, papyrology, and more
- Oxford Encyclopedia of Mesoamerican Cultures: from the pre-Columbian era to the postcolonial period
- Parker Library on the Web: digitized manuscripts from Corpus Christi’s Parker Library
- ProQuest Legislative Insight: Laws R Us
- Trew Letter Collection: letters collected by Christoph Jacob Trew, a well-connected physician and potanist
- Wiley Major Reference (MRW) series: several new entries in the ERF, mostly in Chemistry and Psychology
DELETED since last update
CHANGES since last update:
- New URL for Bibliography of Asian Studies
- New URL for International Tables for Crystallography
- World Telecommunication Indicators is now World Telecommunication/ICT indicators database