Phase 2 PromptCat File Loading Complete

Good News – All the Phase 2 PromptCat files have been (re)loaded into Millennium.  


Phase 2 files were regenerated by OCLC to correct problems created by previous PromptCat loads with bad and missing records. For more details, see


Your unit should now be able to process any books that are being held due to PromptCat load problems.  If you have books that are still missing bibliographic records, or have other unusual problems, please contact Lupe Ochoa at


Current PromptCat files are now loaded through the end of January.  We should be completely caught up and back to a normal file loading schedule within a week.


A special thanks to Jim Gordon, Rico Estrada and Dave Zuckerman who bore the brunt of the file loading, clean-up and coordination with OCLC.  We greatly appreciate your patience, as we recovered from this problem.