I’m talking about Georg Lukacs, not George Lucas: New Titles in Graduate Services for July and August

Looking to shake off the lethargy of a summer vacation with a few academic New Year’s resolutions are you? Well your home away from home, Graduate Services, has a few home away from home house warning gifts to keep your blood pumping and your mind focused on the year ahead. These gifts are the new books we recieved in July and August. The list may not look like much, but with the OskiCat machine now up and running you can expect a lot more in the coming months. And we didn’t want to overwhelm you too much right away. We’re nice like that. Enjoy.


The Theory of the Novel 

 The Theory of the Novel by Georg Lukacs


 Popular Politics and the English Reformation

 Popular Politics and the English Reformation by Ethan H. Shagan


Catholics and the Protestant Nation 

 Catholics and the ‘Protestant Nation’ edited by Ethan H. Shagan


Reading for the Plot Reading for the Plot

 Reading for the Plot by Peter Brooks