INSPEC, the premier database for physics, computer science, information technology, and electrical engineering is moving from Ovid to ISI Web of Knowledge. Beginning today, we have access to INSPEC through both platforms.
You can search all dates covered by INSPEC back to 1898. Special features include the ability to limit to review articles or other treatment types; refine your search results by author, classification, language, and more; link to related records, references, and "cited by" information from Web of Science; and much more. The new platform also allows powerful range searching for various numerical data (such as frequency, temperature, and voltage).
Karen Berryman, from IET (the publisher of INSPEC), will present this new platform and its special features in the Physics-Astronomy Library (351 LeConte) on Thursday, April 23, 2009, 2:30-3:30pm.

CDL has created an interim screen with links to both platforms, which will run parallel through June 30.