Do you use EndNote? If so, you should download these new or updated EndNote filters, available at the EndNote web site. EndNote filters “read” your database search results files in order for the references to import successfully. You need to save the new filters in the Filters folder, typically located in C\Program Files\EndNote [version]\.
If you have any problems, please contact a reference librarian at the Public Health Library.
The new/updated filters (with the database vendor and date of creation or update) are:
Academic Search Premier (EBSCO) 8/28/2008
Premier Business Source (EBSCO; aka Business Source Premier) 8/28/2008
CAB Abstracts (EBSCO; Use this filter for the new Global Health database) 8/28/2008
Library Catalog (University of California; aka Melvyl) 8/18/2008
Social Work Abstracts (SilverPlatter) 6/30/2008