Chemistry Behind Bars — While balancing equations, inmates at San Quentin learn to balance their lives.
This week's cover story in C&E News (October 22, 2007) is about a chemistry class taught at San Quentin by four UC Berkeley grad students: Charles (Chip) Crawford (chemistry), Michael Rousseas (physics), Alex Fabrikant (computer science), and Erik Douglas (bioengineering). From the article: "The grad students say that these prisoners are some of the most motivated and hard-working students they have ever taught. The prisioners, in turn, say that these volunteers have inspired them to work hard and seek a better life for themselves." Other members of the UCB Chemistry department mentioned in the article include Lonnie Martin and Michelle Douskey. Kudos to everyone involved!
Teaching Team UC Berkeley grad students Douglas (from left), Crawford, Rousseas, and Fabrikant share the teaching load.