Open Access (OA) is a growing international movement that uses the Internet to throw open the locked doors that once hid knowledge.
Based on the principle that all research should be freely accessible online, immediately after publication, it encourages the unrestricted sharing of research results with everyone, everywhere, for the advancement and enjoyment of science and society.
Open Access Week, October 19-23, includes several events here at Cal:
- E-Scholarship (CDL) for UCB Anthropology/Archaeology: Take Control of Your Publications with eScholarship (4:30pm Monday)
- The Future of Open Access (4pm Tuesday)
- Live Webinar from the Open Access Scholarly Publishing Association (OASPA) on the promise and perils of OA publishing. (9am Pacific time Tuesday, in the Bioscience and Natural Resources Library Seminar Room, 2101 Valley Life Sciences Building)
- Academic Writing and Publishing 2.0: eJournals, Blogs, Wikis, Tweets (noon Wednesday)
- Article-level Metrics at PLoS: What are they and why should you care? (noon Monday November 9)
And a related event:
For more information on open access programs at Cal, see:
» UC Berkeley signs Open Access Compact
» Berkeley Research Impact Initiative
» Scholarly Communication website