Tag: scholarly resources
Better together: How the University of California’s libraries are uniting for a shared print future

The UC Berkeley Library has recently embarked on an outreach effort to spread the word about the University of California libraries’ shared print strategies program to departments, institutes, and centers across campus.
This program is not new and has been active for a number of years. Contacts at the California Digital Library’s Shared Print Strategy Team and UC campuses have provided this information to local campus contacts as well as UC system faculty committees, including the Berkeley Division of the Academic Senate’s Committee on the Library, or LIBR; the University Committee on Library and Scholarly Communication, or UCOLASC; and the Systemwide Library and Scholarly Information Advisory Committee, or SLASIAC. The focus of the outreach is to convey that UC’s libraries are more interconnected than ever with one another, and with academic libraries across the country whose print collections augment and complement our own. This interconnectedness affords us an opportunity to redouble UC libraries’ efforts to engage in systematic and collaborative planning around print collection development and management.
The strategic goals are:
- Preserving print resources to ensure the ongoing availability and integrity of that content.
- Facilitating seamless discovery and access to content.
- Enabling the collection of and access to more and unique content.
Even though our work is largely invisible to you, the UC Berkeley Library wanted to share some basic information around the UC shared print strategy.
Please see:
In addition to preserving print resources and content for future generations, the program provides access and discovery within UC libraries’ collections as well as enables the exploration of unique content beyond our collections.
If you have questions about the UC shared print strategy, please email scholarly-resources@lists.berkeley.edu. We look forward to hearing from you and answering any questions you have as we continue to innovate around developing and providing access to print collections for current and future UC faculty and students.