Venezuela: From Crisis to Crisis- Select books

At the time of writing this post, Venezuela was in a full-blown political and economic crisis. The unprecedented inflation, two presidential hopefuls, and industry in the shambles, confusion, hunger and violence seemed to be the norms of the daily life for millions of innocent, decent Venezuelans. Despite the crisis, what surprised me was the ability of the Venezuelan governmental and non-governmental entities to continue to publish relatively exciting works in extraordinary times. Below, I am presenting you with the latest batch of remarkable books from remarkable books from Venezuela I am also posting some images of interesting books separately.

One of the interesting books is Cuaderno de Otra Parte by Santiago Acosta. The author’s website describes it as follows, “«Un poemario que, si bien parte de lo que se ha dado en llamar la diáspora venezolana, lleva el tema en otra dirección, con una voz que se burla de sí misma en su empeño por cumplir con los ritos del que se fue. En tal sentido, obviando la lectura que hace de esta una escritura del exilio, este texto se centra más bien en la distancia como elemento organizador del

The other equally interesting book is, El Chavismo El Chavismo Salvaje.

Lastly, Tiempos de Incertidumbre by Nelson Guzmán reflects upon the uncertain times in contemporary Venezuela.