New books from Chile @ Doe Library, 1 August 2018

1 August 2018

I wanted to acquaint our readers with the several new books from Chile that have just come in. Among these, there are several interesting titles that might peak the reader’s interest who wants to get acquainted with the historical and social issues of contemporary Chile. While one can browse the select photos of all of the new arrivals from Chile here, I wanted to focus on some individual titles that might merit additional attention.
These books are shown below. The selections are arbitrary and subjective, but as a selector, I thought I could present some of the books individually.

The issues surrounding migration are universal in the context of any given nation-state and how the issues of migration affect a particular society can be also measured through the cultural output that revolves around certain complicated issues of people moving from one nation-state to the other in search of opportunities, livelihood, safety, and stabilities of different types. One of the book that caught my attention was a novel entitled, “Ciudad Berraca“. This novel by Rodrigo Ramos Bañados deals with the Colombian migration to the city of Antofagasta.

The other interesting book is by Patricia Cerda that is entitled, “Violeta & Nicanor”: “Los hermanos Parra inventaron el pensamiento romántico en Chile.”

My recent exhibition that I had mounted in collaboration with the Wallmapu Support Committee ( a Chilean student group) mandates that I mention a new dictionary of Mapudungun that came in this group of new Chilean books.

And lastly, Trilogía Ciudadana by Teatro Callejero. The editorial team has done an outstanding job in providing us- the readers not only with a book that informs but also with an object of art.