The 2018 Cambridge Structural Database System (including ConQuest and Mercury) is available for downloading from the UC distribution site. The Cambridge Structural Database is crystal structure database, with over 900,000 entries for organic and organometallic compounds.
Downloading CSD:
- You must be on the campus network or wifi or using VPN to access the files on that page.
- Don’t forget the site and confirmation codes, which you can get by clicking Berkeley (UCB) link. You’ll need those codes during the CSDS installation.
- CSDS is available for Windows, OSX, and Linux/Unix. It is recommended that you uninstall CSDS 2017 before you start this installation.
- There’s an additional Windows application that can be downloaded separately. CrossMiner is a “novel tool that allows crystal structure databases such as the Cambridge Structural Database (CSD) and the Protein Data Bank (PDB) to be searched in terms of pharmacophore queries.”
- You can also search the CSD structures through WebCSD, without installing any software.
CSDS Documentation:
- What’s new in the 2018 release.
- Information about CSDS, including links to the specific databases.
- Documentation for CSDS.
Please contact Kortney Rupp if you have questions about CSD.