Need help using a bioinformatics tool like PubMed, Gene, Protein, Nucleotide, or BLAST?
Want to learn more about navigating biomedical literature?
Or maybe you’re looking to organize your research citations on any topic?
The Library is pleased to offer several workshops on NCBI, Mendeley and Embase.
All sessions will take place in the Bioscience Library Training Room (VLSB 2189). No need to register in advance.
- NCBI Bioinformatics Tools: An Introduction (1/26, 12-1pm)
- Getting Started with Mendeley (Citation Managment) (1/29, 12-1pm)
- Embase Workshop: Improve your searches! (2/11, 10-11:30am)
* Zotero is another tool for managing citations. Attend a workshop at the Environmental Design Library.
- Monday, February 8th from 1-2pm
- 305 Wuster Hall, Library Training Room.