Now Here! New Features in the Web Portal

The Public Health Library added some new features to the web portal. Did you check it out?

Now you can search your Document Delivery requests, so you will easily be able to learn if you requested a particular article or book, and when. Other new features include the ability to sort online lists of your requests by title, author, or date requested, to view a list of books checked out to you (with one-click online renewing), and to get a list of your canceled Document Delivery requests.

The log-in page includes a link to an outline of the new features. Take them for a test drive if you haven’t already! Then send us your comments and suggestions for any other web portal features you’d like to see.

Not yet a web portal user? The web portal to contract services provides a custom online interface to request services from the Public Health Library, such as journal articles and literature searches. Online request forms are pre-populated with your personal information (name, email, etc.) You can also view requests you have made in the past, as well as pending requests. The web portal also includes a link to electronic journal passwords, so you can more easily access these resources from anywhere.

To obtain your web portal username and password, please send an email to Sarah at, or call (510) 642-2510. She will need your name, address, phone and fax numbers, email address, and unit, branch, or program name.