Like almost always, some great books made it to the Graduate Services shelves in February. And being February, the month of the valentine, why not come down and be a part of the letters of T.S. Elliot, Langston Hughes, and Gertrude Stein. You’re the reader, they are the writers, and with a little imagination these letters could be their valentines to you. Strike up a bond and in the process be woohooed. No need to limit yourself to books of letters though, jump on into any book here in Graduate Services and be a part of the February experience. Because like a valentine given needs a valentine given back to really be a worthwhile valentine, books need readers to really be worth their weight in dead treeness. Enjoy.
Complete Stories by Kingsley Amis
Every Third Thought: A Novel In Five Seasons by John Barth
Last Essays (The Cambridge Edition Of The Works Of Joesph Conrad) by Joseph Conrad edited by Harold Ray and J.H. Stape
The Letters Of T.S. Eliot Volume I: 1898-1922 (Revised Edition) edited by Valerie Eliot and Hugh Haughton
Le Corps Utopique: Suivi de les Heterotopies by Michel Foucault
How We Should Rule Ourselves by Alasdair Gray and Adam Tomkins
1982, Janine by Alasdair Gray
Langston Hughes And The South African Drum Generation: The Correspondence edited by Shane Graham and John Walters
The Politics of Sociability: Freemasonry and German Civil Society, 1840-1918 by Stefan-Ludwig Hoffmann
What Becomes by A.L. Kennedy
Quetzalcoatl (The Cambridge Edition Of The Letters and Works of D.H. Lawrence) by D.H. Lawrence edited by N.H. Reeve
Syntactic Borrowing In Contemporary French: A Linguistic Analysis of News Translation (Research Monographs In French Studies 30) by Mairi McLaughlin
Arthur Miller: A Descriptive Bibliography by George W. Crandell
Filosofia Ed Eresia Nell’inghilterra Del Tardo Cinquecento: Bruno, Sidney E I Dissidenti Religiosi Italianai by Diego Pirillo
Athusser’s Lesson by Jacques Ranciere
The Emancipated Spectator by Jacques Ranciere
The Routledge Comapnion to Postmodernism Third Edition edited by Stuart Sim
The Letters Of Gertrude Stein and Virgil Thomson: Composition As Conversation edited by Susan Holbrook and Thomas Dilworth
Stanzas In Meditation: The Corrected Edition by Gertrude Stein edited by Susannah Hollister and Emily Setina