The Council of State and Territorial Epidemilogists is offering a training opportunity for existing applied epidemiologists. CSTE will award a limited number of full tuition scholarships for qualified applied epidemiologists working in state and local health departments to complete the Public Health Informatics Online Certificate Program from the University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC). Interested epidemiologists must submit their application to CSTE by March 15, 2012. All coursework is online.
Requirements to apply include: MPH, MSPH, or MS in epidemiology or a related field, with at least 2 years’ experience working full time in applied epidemiology at a local or state health department or a bachelor’s degree with at least 7 years’ experience working full time as an epidemiologist at a state or local health department.
Send an email of intent to apply to before beginning the application process. Successful candidates will be committed to beginning the online certificate program in May 2012 and completing it in 2 years or less. Candidates are also responsible for ensuring support from their supervisors and agency. For the pilot year of the program, CSTE will fund only one candidate per public health jurisdiction.
Please encourage potential candidates in your agency who may be interested in this opportunity to apply online here.