Anthrosource journals migrating to Wiley Online Library

Anthrosource journals have migrated to Wiley Online Library. The links in OskiCat are not redirecting to the new platform. We are working with the publisher to get the links corrected. Meanwhile try searching for the Anthrosource journals in the Wiley Online Library by using the URL below. Please be aware that the Wiley website only lists current titles.  Issues published under the former title of  a journal can only be accessed via its current title.




arXiv~, a UC Berkeley Library supported resource, is an open access, moderated repository for scholarly articles in the scientific disciplines of physics, mathematics, computer science, nonlinear sciences, quantitative biology, and statistics. When arXiv was started in 1991 at LANL, it was a precursor to the open access movement.  arXiv supplements the traditional publication system by providing immediate dissemination and open access to scholarly articles.

arXiv is an e-print server, updated daily and includes more than 700,000 e-prints.  Articles are reviewed by expert moderators who verify the content of the articles.  (An e-print or pre-print is a digital version of a research document, posted online before final publishing.)

arXiv is operated and maintained by Cornell University Library, with a commitment to perpetual availability of submissions.

ERF Update – November 2011

Current number of records in ERF: 1066

ADDED since last update