Focus groups on Moffitt Library renovation

Update: We’ve had an amazing response to this call for volunteers, so signups for these focus groups are now closed. We will notify those who have been selected to participate. Thanks for your willingness to help us keep improving the Cal libraries!

Hey, undergrads!  Have ideas for Moffitt Library?

Sign up to attend a special, two-hour focus group about the future of Cal’s libraries, on Monday evening, October 24. Students selected to attend will receive a $25 gift certificate from FSM Café.

The Library is working with Hart Research Associates, a prominent survey research firm, to gather more student input about the Moffitt Renovation Project and how best to pitch this project to donors.  We are hosting two focus groups and hope to get a broad mix of student participants — different majors, different years in school, different ways they use (or why they avoid) the libraries, etc.

Please spread the word to friends and fellow undergrads to volunteer!  The focus groups will be on Monday, October 24 — one from 5-7pm and one from 7:30-9:30pm — in Moffitt Library.

Get more information and sign up today at: