Comparative Toxicogenomics Database: Info on environmentally influenced diseases

The Comparative Toxicogenomics Database (CTD) elucidates molecular mechanisms by which environmental chemicals affect human disease. It CTD includes manually curated data describing cross-species chemical–gene/protein interactions and chemical– and gene–disease relationships to illuminate molecular mechanisms underlying variable susceptibility and environmentally influenced diseases.

Search the CTD by/for:

  • Gene
  • Chemical
  • Disease
  • Gene Oncology
  • Organisms
  • Pathways
  • References

Here is a sample record for benzene.

As stated in the press release; the CTD "is an attempt to map the complex ways in which chemicals are related to diseases." CTD is now one of the databases in TOXNET, a cluster of databases covering information on toxicology, hazardous chemicals, environmental health, and other related areas. You can also search the CTD from the Mount Desert Island Biological Laboratory site, CTD was developed at the MDIBL.

CTD is listed on the Public Health Library’s Indexes and Databases and our Toxicology/Occupational Health Resources web pages.

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eScholarship and undergrads

eScholarship will extend its robust repository and publishing services platform to include UC undergraduate work, effective immediately. The CDL and UC Libraries recognize the clear and pressing need for the establishment of a service for the dissemination of substantial undergraduate research and publications, which are an increasingly prevalent outcome of the undergraduate education at the University of California. eScholarship already serves the repository and open access publishing needs of UC faculty and graduate students by providing access to nearly 40,000 research publications and 37 UC-affiliated open access journals representing over 275 academic units. Our undergraduate research services will include support for faculty-sponsored undergraduate journals, capstone projects, prizewinning papers, etc. We look forward to working with the campuses to spread the word about this new service. For any inquiries or questions, please contact Catherine Mitchell, Director of Publishing Services, California Digital Library (

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