The Library is happy to announce that 153 records for individual titles in the “Foundations and Trends in . . . ” series have been loaded into OskiCat. The latest titles and links are listed below. Listings also include a link to the (series) each is from.
- The predictive technology model in the late Silicon Era and beyond. Yu Cao, et al. 2010 (Electronic Design Automation)
- Mining query logs: turning search usage data into knowledge. Fabrizio Silvestri. 2010 (Information Retrieval)
- Web crawling. Christopher Olston and Marc Najork. 2010 (Information Retrieval)
- A survey of statistical network models. Anna Goldenberg, et al. 2010 (Machine Learning)
- Statistical methods and models for video-based tracking, modeling, and recognition. Rama Chellappa, et al. 2010 (Signal Processing)
- Algorithmic and analysis techniques in property testing. Dana Ron. 2010 (Theoretical Computer Science)
- From keyword search to exploration: designing future search interfaces for the Web. Max L. Wilson, et al. 2010 (Web Science)