. . . Here’s a few we just got:
Biopolitical surveillance & public health in international politics; Jeremy Youde. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2010. Call no. RA441.Y68 2010.
“How can the international community balance the need to engage in surveillance for disease control while simultaneously allaying fears about the purpose of such programs? Using historical and contemporary case studies, Youde traces the shifting balance between surveillance and global public good provision and suggests that a human rights-based strategy offers a stable compromise.”
Determinants of infant and child mortality in rural India; S. Gunasekaran. Delhi: Kalpaz Publications, 2008. Call no. HB1323.I42 I434 2008.
“This book emerged from the National Family Health Survey. Based on the findings, suggestions have been made for devising suitable strategies to reduce infant and child mortality rates in rural India.”
Clinical toxicological analysis: Procedures, results, interpretation; W. R. Kulpmann. Weinheim: Wiley-VCH, c2009. Call no. RA1199.C59 2009.
“This first, complete reference on standardized methods for laboratory analysis is tailor-made for clinical toxicologists, containing all relevant data and protocols for routine and specialized laboratory analysis. All the procedures described conform to standards stipulated by the International Standards Organisation (ISO) and academic societies, such as the IUPAC and ICC.”
. . . Find them in OskiCat!