April 8th Richmond Instruction Session: PubMed Basics Hands On

* Do you need to find health/medical journal literature?

* Are you having trouble accessing full text articles from your desktop?

* Do you get too many or too few search results when searching PubMed?

* Are you already using PubMed and have some burning questions?

* Are you interested in a hands-on session so you can learn and practice using PubMed?

If you’ve answered "Yes" to any of these questions, then please come to the Sheldon Margen Public Health Library’s PubMed Basics Hands on Class!

Topics covered will include:
1. Introduction to PubMed
2. Retrieving Full Text Using the CDPH PubMed URL
3. Effective Keyword Searching Using Boolean Logic and Using Limits
4. Refining Your Search Strategy:
   – Finding Medical Subject Heading (MeSH) Terms
   – Using Medical Subject Heading (MeSH) Terms
5.Other PubMed Features

Class: PubMed Basics: Hands On
When: Wednesday, April 8, 2009 10:30 -12 pm
Where: CDPH Richmond Campus, Building P, Room 1246
           (Computer Training Room)

This class is intended for CDPH staff new to PubMed or who may have some basic understanding of PubMed but don’t know how to use its features.

If you wish to attend, please RSVP by Monday, April 6th to Judy Bolstad at
jbolstad@library.berkeley.edu, or (510) 642-2510.

Please note: This class is limited to 16 participants. A waiting list will be created, if necessary, for an additional class.

These Hands On training sessions are free to CDPH employees. Please obtain your supervisor’s approval to attend.

April 27th Sacramento Instruction Session: Orientation to Library Services

Were you aware:

* You can have journal articles, technical reports, standards, book chapters, and more, from nearly any source, delivered to you electronically?

* You can have books from the University of California, Berkeley Library delivered to your office?

* Librarians at the Public Health Library, who have access to hundreds of databases, indexes, and other resources, will research nearly any topic for you, and e-mail you appropriate citations?

* CDPH staff have access to dozens of electronic journals from your desktop?

The Sheldon Margen Public Health Library librarians have scheduled an orientation session to discuss the library services available to CDPH staff.

Class: Orientation to Library Services
When: Monday, April 27th, 1:30-2:30 pm
Where: 1500 Capitol Avenue, Rooms 72.148-149, Training Rooms A and B

This class is intended for new CDPH staff, or for those who would like a reminder of the services available from the Public Health Library for work-related activities.

If you wish to attend, please RSVP by Thursday, April 23rd to Judy Bolstad at jbolstad@library.berkeley.edu, or (510) 642-2510.

These one-hour training sessions are free to CDPH employees.  Please obtain your supervisor’s approval to attend.

New Statistical/Data Resources on the Internet

The following are a few resources we’ve recently added to our Statistical/Data Resources web page found at: http://www.lib.berkeley.edu/PUBL/stats.html    

    California Tobacco Survey

The California Department Public Health conducts interviews approximately every three years on cigarette smoking behavior, attitudes towards smoking, media exposure to smoking, and use of tobacco products other than cigarettes, from adults and teenagers living in California. The first survey was done in 1990-1991 and the latest in 2005. A Teen Longitudinal Survey was conducted from 1993-1999, with the 1993 survey providing base-line numbers. This web site has links to the public-use data and the final reports accompanying these surveys.

    Health Snapshots

These California county and regional statistics, compiled by the UCLA Center for Health Policy Research, are from the California Health Interview Survey (CHIS). Here you can find statistics on health issues such as health insurance, diabetes, heart disease, asthma, smoking and dental care broken down by the age categories child, adolescent, adult and senior.

    Office of Minority Health Data/Statistics

The task of the Office of Minority Health is to eliminate health disparities through development of health policies and programs. This Office, housed under the US Department of Health and Human Services, advises the Secritary and the Office of Public Health and Science (OPHS) on public health program activities on Alaska Natives, Asian Americans, Blacks/African Americans, Hispanics/Latinos,
Native Hawaiians, and other Pacific Islanders. Here you can find statistical data on rates of asthma, cancer, diabetes and heart disease in these minority populations. Each minority group has a page with a brief overview and links.

Finding AIDS Meeting Abstracts

A lot of research on HIV/AIDS topics is presented at meetings, such as the International Conference on AIDS. Finding the abstracts of papers presented at these meetings is not always easy. Here is some information that may be helpful if you want to locate meeting abstracts:

Abstracts from the International Conference on AIDS, and several other AIDS conferences, are located in the NLM Gateway (http://gateway.nlm.nih.gov/gw/Cmd). To locate abstracts by conference name, enter International Conference on AIDS[cn] in the Search box, then click Search. You can limit your search by year by clicking on Limits/Settings, and you may also enter key words or subject terms in the Search field for further refinement. On the search results page, click the Meeting Abstracts link to see the abstracts. Search results can be easily formatted for import to EndNote or Reference Manager.

Many AIDS meeting abstracts, including the International Conference on AIDS, may also be found in AEGIS (AIDS Education Global Information System): http://www.aegis.org/. Click Conferences on the left sidebar, then click the title of the conference from which you wish to obtain abstracts. Or, click Search on the left sidebar, enter your keyword(s) in the search box, select the conference you wish to search, then click the Search button.

Abstracts for the International Conference on AIDS are also available on the International AIDS Society web site: http://www.iasociety.org/Default.aspx?pageId=7.