A few works have been released recently connected to the history of mathematics and statistics at UC Berkeley. It began last year with Professor Calvin Moore's Mathematics at Berkeley: A History (AK Peters, 2007), which "describes how this institution evolved from a single facutly member at a financially-troubled private college into a major research center that is ranked among the very best in the USA and in the world."
That book was followed earlier this year by Professor Erich Lehmann's Reminiscences of a Statistician: The Company I Kept (Springer, 2008), in which the author "sketches the careers, and highlights some of the work, of 65 people, most of them statisticians," interweaving many personal anecdotes.
Now, the libraries have also acquired the documentary film Julia Robinson and Hilbert's Tenth Problem (Zala Films, 2008) on DVD. This documentary "tells the story of a pioneer among American women in mathematics." The film is available for viewing in the Media Resources Center (150 Moffitt).
Check out these interesting stories of mathematics and statistics at Berkeley. Link to the catalog for call number, location, and availability information.