ASM Alloy Phase Diagrams Center

After a successful trial, we now have access to the ASM Alloy Phase Diagrams Center. This resource provides access to more than 11,000 binary and ternary phase diagrams and associated phase data for more than 2,400 systems. The collection will be updated to include 10,000 binary and 20,000 ternary diagrams. The first update will occur in September and include close to 18,000 ternary diagrams.

See their Introduction to Phase Diagrams for an overview.

FSM program: Genocide in Darfur and Beyond

A Crisis in Human Rights: Genocide in Darfur and Beyond

Location: FSM Cafe at Moffitt Library
Date: Thursday, April 12, 2007
Time: 6:00 – 8:00pm
Snacks and beverages from 6:00 – 6:30pm
Program begins at 6:30pm

Focusing on the crisis in Darfur, the speakers will offer a comprehensive view of how and why a conflict evolves into a full-fledged genocide. The Darfur genocide has involved not just the outright immediate killing of people, but also the creation of conditions that have made life impossible by chasing people out into the desert and destroying their homes, villages, food supplies and livelihoods. Speakers will present eyewitness accounts of events on the ground in Darfur as well as academic research into conflict and peace within and between nations.

Featured panelists:
Shane Bauer is a current undergraduate student in UCB's  Peace and Conflict Studies Department.  The first year away from his home in Minnesota, he witnessed war for the first time in Macedonia at the impressionable age of 19.  Following this traumatic yet illuminating exposure to war, he traveled as a photojournalist, documenting conflict and genocide around the world. Last year, Shane traveled to Chad and Sudan.

Martha Saavedra is the Associate Director of the UC Berkeley Center for African Studies, an interdisciplinary research center supporting basic research on Africa.  Her research includes agrarian politics and ethnic conflict in Sudan.

David Tuller is a doctoral student in the School of Public Health and has a special interest in looking at public health through a human rights lens. He investigated some of Darfur's mass atrocities as part of a team from Physicians for Human Rights in 2005.

Sponsored by: Amnesty International, UCB ASUC chapter
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