Tag: ArcGIS
Digital Archives and the DH Working Group on Nov. 4
To my delight, I can now announce that the next Digital Humanities Working Group at UC Berkeley is November 4 at 1pm in Doe Library, Room 223.
For the workshop, we have two amazing speakers for lightning talks. They are:
Danny Benett, MA Student in Folklore, will discuss the Berkeley folklore archive which is making ~500,000 folklore items digitally accessible.
Adrienne Serra, Digital Projects Archivist at The Bancroft Library, will demo an interactive map in ArcGIS allowing users to explore digital collections about the Spanish and Mexican Land grants in California.
We hope to see you there! Do consider signing up (link) as we order pizza and like to have loose numbers.

The UC Berkeley Digital Humanities Working Group is a research community founded to facilitate interdisciplinary conversations in digital humanities and cultural analytics. It is a welcoming and supportive community for all things digital humanities.
The event is co-sponsored by the D-Lab and Data & Digital Scholarship Services.