We are pleased to announce the launching of the South/Southeast Asia exhibit entitled “Celebrating 50 Years of Excellence: South & Southeast Asia Scholarship and Stewardship at Berkeley, 1970-2020” at the Bernice Layne Brown Gallery, First Floor of Doe Library. This exhibit will be on display until the end of October 2021.
This exhibit celebrates the academic achievements of Berkeley South and Southeast Asia scholars across disciplines. It recognizes Berkeley’s robust South and Southeast Asian language instruction program, distinguished teaching award recipients, and previous Charlene Conrad Liebau Library Prize for Undergraduate Research winners and honorable mentions.
The South/Southeast Asia Library plays a pivotal role in building interdisciplinary collections in all major formats and languages and has, for five decades, served as the scholarly lifeline for vibrant South and Southeast Asian Studies communities, both local and global.
This exhibit uses a variety of faculty publications and special collections to highlight Berkeley scholarship’s evolution, scope, and profound impact. Source collections and libraries whose noteworthy treasures are most featured in the exhibit include The Bancroft Library, Doe Library, Music Library, and the South/Southeast Asia Library.
We hope you will enjoy viewing this exhibit.
Virginia Shih, Adnan Malik, and Vaughn Egge
Co-curators of the South/Southeast Asia Exhibit
For more information, see the Library Events & Exhibits page.