Changes to MLA Bibliography & LION Databases

If you use Literature Online (LION) or the MLA International Bibliography, you may have noticed some changes recently.

The MLA International Bibliography and the MLA Directory of Periodicals will now be found solely on the EBSCO platform. Although the interface looks different, the functionality has not changed. The Bibliography indexes journal articles and other critical scholarship in literature, languages, linguistics, and folklore.

MLA Bibliography

Literature Online (LION) also has a new interface. Here you can find the Annual Bibliography of English Language and Literature (ABELL), digitized poetry, prose, and drama, reference resources on literature, and Cambridge Companions to literature. The MLA International Bibliography is no longer available in LION.


You can get to the MLA International Bibliography and LION from the Library’s Literatures in English research guide or by searching for them under the Library’s Databases search tab.

Database Tab

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