New Developmental and Reproductive Toxicology (DART) Subject Filter

NLM PubMed provides search filters to aid in searching selected topics.Subject filters restrict retrieval to specific subjects. A new subject filter strategy
was recently added. The Developmental and Reproductive Toxicology (DART) subject filter was created to facilitate searching for subjects in the area of teratology and other aspects of developmental and reproductive toxicology.

This filter can also be used in a search as . For example, if you wanted to find articles on the developmental and reproductive toxicological effects of mercury, you might try a search like:
mercury AND dart[sb]

Found under the Subjects tag on the PubMed Special Queries page, you can scroll down to the name and simply click on it to run the search in PubMed. Once here, you’ll find this and other special pre-canned PubMed queries.

Want to see what the underlying search strategy looks like? You can view it online here.

When using these, you will want to review any of these search strategies that you may use to make sure they cover everything you want them to cover.