Join us on Thursday, December 1, from 5-6 p.m. for Story Hour in the Library featuring Cary Groner. Groner grew up in the Midwest and has worked as a journalist and photographer for many years. He earned his MFA in fiction writing from the University of Arizona in 2009, and his debut novel, Exiles, was a Chicago Tribune “best book” of 2011. His short stories have won numerous awards, including the Glimmer Train fiction open, and have appeared there and in other venues including American Fiction, Mississippi Review, Sycamore Review, and Southern California Review. Cary teaches at the Writing Salon and is completing a new novel and a story collection. Story Hour in the Library is a monthly prose reading series held in UC Berkeley’s Morrison Library.
Thursday, December 1, 2016
5-6 p.m.
Morrison Library, UC Berkeley Campus
Free and open to the public
The Library attempts to offer programs in accessible, barrier-free settings. If you think you may require disability-related accommodations, please contact the event sponsor — ideally at least two weeks prior to the event. The event sponsor is Ashley L. Bacchi, 510-664-7737, lcoevents@berkeley.