African photography from the Walther Collection/
edited by Tamar Garb
Göttingen, Germany : Steidl ; New York : Walther Collection, 2013
f TR681.A33 A37 2013 MAIN
Dioniso trionfatore/
Laura Buccino
Roma : “L’Erma” di Bretschneider, 2013
N7763.D56 B83 2013 MAIN
Jeff Koons : a retrospective/
Scott Rothkopf
New York : Whitney Museum of American Art, 2014
N6537.K645 A4 2014 AH-C
Josef Sudek : labyrinths/
Daniela Hodrová, Antonín Dufek
Praha : Torst, 2013
TR654 .S83 2013 AH-C
Kandinsky : a retrospective/
essays by Angela Lampe and Brady Roberts
Paris : Centre Pompidou ; Milwaukee, Wisc. : Milwaukee Art Museum, 2014
f N6999.K33 A4 2014 AH-C
Kerry James Marshall : painting and other stuff/
Kerry James Marshall
New York : Artbook D A P, 2013
N6537.M379 A4 2013 AH-C
Re-making the margin : the Master of the David scenes and Flemish manuscript painting around 1500/
Anne Margret W. As-Vijvers
Turnhout : Brepols, 2013
ND3171 .A88 2013 AH-C
San Francisco lithographer : African American artist Grafton Tyler Brown/
Robert J. Chandler
Norman : University of Oklahoma Press, 2014
N6537.B77 C48 2014 MAIN