New Books In Graduate Services In January

Postcolonial studies : the key concepts

Postcolonial Studies: The Key Concepts (Third Edition) by Bill Ashcroft, Gareth Griffiths, and Helen Tiffin

Philosophy and the event

Philosophy And The Event by Alain Badiou with Fabien Tarby

Reflections on anti-semitism

Reflections On Anti-Semitism by Alain Badiou, Eric Hazan, and Ivan Segre

The gods left first : the captivity and repatriation of Japanese POWs in northeast Asia, 1945-1956

The Gods Left First: The Captivity And Repatriation Of Japanese POWs In Northeast Asia, 1945-1956 by Andrew E. Barshay

This day : Sabbath poems collected and new, 1979-2013

This Day: Sabbath Poems Collected And New, 1979-2013 by Wendell Berry

24/7 : late capitalism and the ends of sleep

24/7: Late Capitalism And The Ends Of Sleep by Jonathan Crary

The allure of the archives

The Allure Of The Archives by Arlette Farge with a forward by Natalie Zemon Davis

On love : a philosophy for the twenty-first century

On Love: A Philosophy For The Twenty-First Century by Luc Ferry

Lectures on the will to know : lectures at the Collège de France, 1970-1971 and Oedipal knowledge

Lectures On The Will To Know: Lectures At The College De France, 1970-1971 And Oedipal Knowledge by Michel Foucault edited by Daniel Defert

In the beginning, she was

In The Beginning, She Was by Luce Irigaray

Hawking incorporated : Stephen Hawking and the anthropology of the knowing subject

Hawking Incorporated: Stephen Hawking And The Anthropology Of The Knowing Subject by Helene Mialet

Evil eye : four novellas of love gone wrong

Evil Eye: Four Novellas Of Love Gone Wrong by Joyce Carol Oates

Naughty Cherie

Naughty Cherie by Joyce Carol Oates and Mark Graham

The Charleston Bulletin supplements

The Charleston Bulletin Supplements by Virginia Woolf and Quentin Bell edited and with an introduction by Claudia Olk

The idea of Communism 2 : the New York conference

The Idea Of Commumism 2: The New York Conference edited by Slavoj ZiZek