This Ain’t No Room for the Summertime Blues: New Books in Graduate Services in June

It’s summertime, and although not many new books came in this June, that doesn’t mean the summertime blues are hanging around here. No sir, that is not the case here in Graduate Services because the ten books we did get this June are ten great summertime reads. For example, the Fourth of July is coming up and you’ll probably be saying the Pledge of Allegiance quite a bit, so why not come here a few days before and read Giorgio Agamben’s latest book, The Sacraement of Language, which is an archaeology of the oath. Don’t pledge blindly this Fourth of July holiday, pledge knowingly. Now, anyone one who knows anything knows nothing says summer fun like a manifesto, which is why kicking back in Graduate Services next to a window reading Alain Badiou’s Second Manifesto for Philosophy is the perfect way to spend a summer afternoon. The heat from the warm sun and the energy from so much proclaming just warms up those butterflys in your stomach. But don’t worry, it doesn’t get hot enough for them to curdle. And finally, if you are longing for those long discourses with faculty members you’re used to engaging in from August to May, well, we have a few books here from Lyn Hejinian and Ishmal Reed to get you engaged. A book of poetry, a book of essays about poetry, and a novel from these two should make you feel like the spring semester never ended and the summer one never began. Enjoy.



The Sacrament of Language: An Archaeology of the Oath (Homo Sacer II, 3) by Giorgio Agamben


Christian Materiality: An Essay on Religion in Late Medieval Europe by Caroline Walker Bynum


Second Manifesto For Philosophy by Alain Badiou


Sunflower by Jack Collom and Lyn Hejinian


The Etiquette of Freedom: Gary Snyder, Jim Harrison, and The Practice of the Wild edited by Paul Ebenkamp


The Cold of Poetry by Lyn Hejinian


Juice! by Ishmael Reed


Gilead by Marilynne Robinson


Dictionary of Visual DIscourse: A Dialectical Lexicon of Terms By Barry Sandywell

heidegger's philosophy

Historical Dictionary of Heidegger’s Philosophy 2nd Edition edited by Frank Schalow and Alfred Denker