The Public Health Library has the following new books available:
1. Environmental toxicology III. By V. Popov, et al. Southampton: WIT, 2010. Call number: RA1226.E5687 2010.
2. A textbook of modern toxicology. By Ernest Hodgson. Hoboken, N.J.: John Wiley & Sons, 2010. Call number: RA1211.H62 2010.
3. Assessing the effects of the Gulf of Mexico oil spill on human health: a summary of the June 2010 workshop. By Margaret A McCoy, et al. Washington, D.C.: National Academies Press, 2010. Call number: GC1221.B7 A88 2010.
4. Natural hazards analysis: reducing the impact of disasters. By John C. Pine. Boca Raton, FL.: Auerbach Publications, 2009. Call number: HV553.P528 2009.
5. Jet fuel toxicology. By Mark L. Witten, et al. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press, 2011. Call number: RA1242.H87 J48 2011.
Please note that these books are only a small selection of what is newly available. If you are interested in checking out any book(s), submit a request using our online form and we will mail the book(s) to you.
If you do not currently possess a UC Berkeley library card, you will need to apply for one before we can check out a book to you.