Texting, QR Codes, and Google Books added to OskiCat

On June 1, several enhancements were made to OskiCat, our library catalog.

Screenshot from OskiCat showing enhancements

Google Books
Many books in OskiCat now have a button linking to Google Books. Depending on copyright status and publisher agreements, Google Books will display a full text view, a limited preview, a snippet, or a record view. For many books, this is an easy way to search and get more information about them.


Text/SMS Book Information
OskiCat now offers the ability to text yourself the location, call number, and availability of individual books in our collection. This has currently been activated for eleven cell phone carriers, including AT&T, Sprint, T-Mobile, and Verizon. No more need to write down the call number and location!


QR Codes
Many records also include QR codes, “two-dimensional barcodes which can be scanned by a cell phone camera prompting the cell phone to display text contained in the code.” QR codes in OskiCat include title, location, availability, and call number. Please see About QR Codes for more information including system requirements.