New Books!

The Public Health Library has the following new books available:

1. Adolescent health: policy, science, and human rights. By William F Boyce, et al. Montreal: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2009. Call number: RJ103.C2A36 2009. 

2. Essentials of public health management. By L. Fleming Fallon, et al. Sudbury, Mass.: Jones and Bartlett Publishers, 2009. Call number: RA425.E87 2009.

3. Public health leadership: putting principles into practice. By Louis Rowitz, et al. Sudbury, Mass.: Jones and Bartlett Publishers, 2009. Call number: RA427.R69 2009.

4. Managing the public health enterprise. By Edward L Baker, et al. Sudbury, Mass.: Jones and Bartlett Publishers, 2010. Call number: RA427.M36 2010.

Please note that these books are only a small selection of what is newly available. If you are interested in checking out any book(s), submit a request using our online form below and we will mail the book(s) to you.

If you do not currently possess a UC Berkeley library card, you will need to apply for one before we can check out a book to you. The application form is at: