We named it. Now it’s your turn.
Design a logo for the University Library’s new catalog, OskiCat . . . coming in May.
Winner’s artwork will be featured in the Library’s new catalog & on OskiCat publicity.
What do I win?
A lasting campus legacy & a chance to be part of Cal’s history!
All UC Berkeley students are eligible to participate.
- Must feature the name “OskiCat” & the text “UCB Library Catalog”.
- Trademarked UC logos may be used in combination with words.
- Should incorporate two or more of the following colors: blue, gold, black, white, gray.
- PREFERRED WEB formatting: 50H X 275W in pixels; .gif file with transparent or #668cb3 blue background; original file in .png or .eps (encapsulated PostScript).
- PREFERRED PRINT formatting: Artwork from vector art programs (Illustrator or Freehand); text/font converted to outlines; save as .eps file; photographic, placed, or embedded images (.jpeg, .tiff, .gif, .psd) are not suitable.
Submission deadline
Friday, 17 April 2009
Submit designs as email attachments to: oskicat[at]library.berkeley.edu
Other campus logos
For examples, visit OskiCat on Facebook.
Winning submission becomes the property of the Regents of the University of California. Color scheme may be adapted for promotional materials. Multiple designs may be submitted.