Two new chat reference services

Need help quickly with a library research problem? The library is offering two new reference services using chat and instant messaging.

  • Chat with a Librarian (Humanities and Social Sciences)
    This service covers literature, art, philosophy, history, political science, sociology, etc. Librarians are available Tuesday-Thursday 1-5pm and Sunday 6-10pm. To access the service, use the convenient messaging box on the page during the hours we are available. No need to log in!
  • Ask a UC Librarian
    This service, covering all subject areas, is a joint effort of all the UC libraries. It is available Monday-Thursday 11am-9pm, Friday 11am-5pm, and Sunday 5-9pm. Use the messaging window provided.

In addition to the above, we also offer chat reference services in government, engineering, physics, mathematics/statistics, and physics/astronomy. For more information on these and other options, see our Research Help page.