The Institute of Governmental Studies Library
cordially invites you to a reception for the exhibit
From George Washington to George W.: Presidents Getting Verse
Woodcuts and Rhymes by Joe Illick, Professor of History, Emeritus, San Francisco State University
Thomas Jefferson, a liberal intellectual
Believed in freedom, political and sexual.
He declared our nation's independence,
Then populated it with white and black descendents.
He had friends in France, played the fiddle;
His politics ranged from left to middle.
He planned his estate, called Monticello;
He must be called a Renaissance fellow.
Institute of Governmental Studies Library
109 Moses Hall
Thursday, November 1, 2007
4:00 pm to 6:00 pm
Exhibit (in two parts)
November 1 – December 20, 2007
George Washington to Theodore Roosevelt
January 22 – March 24, 2008
William H. Taft to George W. Bush