New Books!

The Public Health Library has the following new books available:

1. Patient safety informatics : adverse drug events, human factors, and IT tools for patient medication safety. By Vassilis Koutkias; et al. Amsterdam : IOS Press, 2011. Call number: R858.A2 P37 2011.

2. Casarett & Doull’s essentials of toxicology. By Curtis D Klaassen, John B Watkins, Louis J Casarett; New York : McGraw-Hill Medical, 2010. Call number: RA1211 .C298 2010.

3. Keeping people safe : the human dynamics of injury prevention. By Joshua H Williams. Lanham : Government Institutes/Scarecrow Press, 2010. 2010. Call number: T55 .W56 2010.

4. HIV screening and access to care : exploring barriers and facilitators to expand HIV testing by Institute of Medicine (U.S.). Committee on HIV Screening and Access to Care.; National Academies Press (U.S.) Washington, D.C. : National Academies Press, 2010. Call number RA643.83 .I574 2010. You may also access it online for free.

5. Assessing the effects of the Gulf of Mexico oil spill on human health : a summary of the June 2010 workshop. By Margaret A McCoy and Judith A Salerno. Washington, D.C. : National Academies Press, 2010. Call number: GC1221.B7 A88 2010.

Please note that these books are only a small selection of what is newly available. If you are interested in checking out any book(s), submit a request using our online form ( and we will mail the book(s) to you.

You may also log into your web portal account to request book(s). If you do not currently possess a UC Berkeley library card, you will need to apply for one before we can check out a book to you.