RACO (Revistas Catalanes amb Acces Obert)

is a cooperative open access journal repository (mostly in Catalan but also in Castilian and English).

RACO is a project of Consorci de Biblioteques Universitàries de Catalunya, of Centre de Supercomputació de Catalunya and the Biblioteca de Catalunya. It also recieves support from the Generalitat de Catalunya. It provides full-text access to more than 240 scholarly journals like Barcelona quaderns d’història, Llengua i literatura, Manuscrits: revista d’història moderna, and the Catalan Historical Review.

RACO has been added to the UCB Library’s Electronic Resource Finder along with other partial or fully open access repositories from Europe like Dialnet, Revues.org, Persée, and CAIRN. Some of the individual journal titles in these repositories do appear in library catalogs like Melvyl and OskiCat as well as the E-journal Titles A-Z list but not all of them.

Summer Sites

Playa de Chipiona by José Jiménez Aranda (c.1899 Museo del Prado)

The summer affords time for a round-up of web sites recently encountered and of potential interest to those who work in the Romance languages:

Biblioteca Medici Laurenciana – more than 1655 manuscripts of the 3900 in the Florentine library’s Plutei collection have been digitized and are available here.

Catalogue of Digitized Medieval  Manuscripts – launched in 2009, this project of UCLA’s Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies Center aims to provide a single finding aid for digitized medieval manuscripts available on the web. See also Digital Scriptorium.

Digital Studies / Le champ numérique – a refereed academic journal, publishing three times a year and serving as a formal arena for scholarly activity and as an academic resource for researchers in the digital humanities.

La Enciclopedia del Museo del Prado – freely available digital conversion of the 4-volume print tool published in 2006 by Fundación Amigos del Museo del Prado and Tf editores.

Études Photographiques – published by the Société française de photographie with the CNL, CNRS and l’université de Ryerson, this open-access journal is one of many titles available through the Revues.org portal which provides access to more than 254 OA publications. http://etudesphotographiques.revues.org

Manioc, nouvelle bibliothèque numérique partenaire – this digital library of primary sources from the Caribbean, the Amazon, and the Guyana Plateau also provides full text to the open-access journal Études caribéennes.

PLEAIADI – the “Portale per la Letteratura scientifica Elettronica Italiana su Archivi aperti e Depositi Istituzionali” aims at building a national Italian platform that offers centralized access to the scholarly literature archived in Italian open-access repositories.

The Renaissance in Print: 16th Century French Books in the Douglas Gordon Collection – comprises over 600 digitized volumes of French books from the sixteenth century on religion, philosophy, medicine, astronomy, travel and architecture all held by the University of Virginia.

Salon du Livre podcasts – downloadable MP3s from the Paris book fair held every year in March. Includes talks with Jean-Claude Carrière, Frédéric Beigbeder, Fatou Diome, Georges Balandier, Jean-Luc Nancy, Véronique Ovaldé , Antonio Lobo Antunes, Enrique Vila-Matas, and more.

Traces – An open-access bibliographical database on Catalan language and literature. The TRACES project was created in 1987 by the Grup d’Estudis de Literatura Catalana Contemporània (GELCC) from the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.

Vocabulários Ortográficos da  Língua Portuguesa – two new and complementary, if not competing, orthographical dictionaries were published earlier this year. The searchable online versions are freely available:
Vocabulário ortográfico da língua portuguesa (Academia Brasileira de Letras – 5.ª ed. 2009)
Vocabulário ortográfico da língua portuguesa (Porto Editora – 1.ª ed. 2009)

La voix de Gilles Deleuze en ligne – sponsored by L’association Siècle DeleuzienV and Le Groupe Esthétique, Représentations, Savoirs  (une équipe de recherche de l’Université de Paris 8), hosts hundreds of hours of MP3s mostly from the 1980s.

*An extremely high-res. version of José Jiménez Aranda’s Playa de Chipiona at the top of this post is available on the Museo del Prado’s web site.

La Criee: periodiques en ligne

Interesting blog/directory that profiles online journals, mostly open access, in all languages from all over the world.  It’s browseable by language and subject. Just to list a few that are included: L’Esprit des journaux, Terminal: Technologie de l’information et societe, Anuari de la Societat Catalana de Filosofia, Pessoa: Revista de literatura lusofona, Revista Espanola de Sociologia, Etudes Ricoeuriennes/Ricoeur Studies, Quadeni del Dipartimento di Storia, etc.

See: http://periodiques.wordpress.com