Books of the Week

Andrea Mantegna : Cristo mortoAndrea Mantegna : Cristo morto /
Edited by Sandrina Bandera
Milano : Skira, 2013
ND623.M3 A615 2013 MAIN




Art cards = fichas de arteArt cards = fichas de arte/
Gordon Matta-Clark
Brooklyn, NY : Sangría, c2014
N6537.M3947 A4 2014 MAIN




Cindy ShermanCindy Sherman /
Paul Moorhouse
London ; New York : Phaidon, 2014
TR655 .M66 2014 MAIN




Duchamp dictionaryDuchamp dictionary /
Thomas Girst
London : Thames & Hudson, 2014
N6853.D8 G577 2014 AH-C




El Greco, life and work, a new historyEl Greco, life and work, a new history /
Fernando Marías
London ; New York : Thames & Hudson, 2013
ND813.T4 M148313 2013 MAIN




François vaseFrançois vase /
Edited by H.A. Shapiro, Mario Iozzo, Adrienne Lezzi-Hafter
Kilchberg, Zürich, Switzerland : Akanthus, 2013
NK4653.F7 F73 2013 AH-C




Sculpter au XVIIIe siècle : Jean-Baptiste Pigalle, 1714-1785Sculpter au XVIIIe siècle : Jean-Baptiste Pigalle, 1714-1785 /
Nicolas Clément
Paris : Champion, 2014
NB553.P47 C54 2014 MAIN




Use of models in medieval book paintingUse of models in medieval book painting /
Edited by Monika E. Müller
Newcastle upon Tyne : Cambridge Scholars Pub., 2014
ND2920 .U84 2014 MAIN




Woven miniatures of Buddhist art, SazigyoWoven miniatures of Buddhist art, Sazigyo /
Ralph Isaacs
Chiang Mai, Thailand : Silkworm Books, 2014
NK8877.6.A1 I83 2014 MAIN