Event: Cartographic Materialities: Mapping the Pre-Modern World (A Symposium)

The Andrew W. Mellon Fellowship of Scholars in Critical Bibliography and the Designated Emphasis in Renaissance and Early Modern Studies Present:

 Cartographic Materialities: Mapping the Pre-Modern World (A Symposium)


3:30-5:00 – Cartographic Objects Workshop at the Bancroft Library (David Faulds)

Please RSVP to jraisch@berkeley.edu



1:15-2:45 – Graduate Student Panel, 308A Doe Library

Keith Budner (Comparative Literature) – “From Geography to Chorography: Representing Pomponius Mela, Ptolemy and Strabo in Two Spanish Renaissance Maps”

Jason Rozumalski (History) – “Kaleidoscopes of Time and Place: Images of places as events in sixteenth-century England”

Grace Harpster (Art History) – “Pastoral Maps: Devotional and Administrative Itineraries in Rural Sixteenth-Century Milan”

Moderator: Diego Pirillo (Italian)


3:00-5:00 – Plenary Panel, 308A Doe Library

Tom Conley (Romance Languages, Harvard) – “Baroque Hydrographies”

Ricardo Padrón (Spanish, UVA) – “The Indies and the Printed Page: Inventing America on the Ramusio Map of 1534”

Valerie Kivelson (History, Michigan) – “An Early Modern Great Game: Maps of Siberia and their Circulation in the 17th and 18th century”

Moderator: Timothy Hampton (French and Comparative Literature)
