SpringerMaterials Refresh

SpringerMaterials is the world’s largest research platform dedicated to information on materials, their properties and uses – providing access to curated data about 3000+ physical and chemical properties of 250,000+ materials and chemical systems.  Periodic Table and Chemical Structure Search tools enable the researchers to search in an expansive way, and discover related materials for comparison.

Recently, the platform received a total overhaul to make the new site more nimble and user friendly.  A series of new functionalities as well as new content have been added.  Check it out at materials.springer.com.

Enhancements include:

  • interactive tables
  • 3D views on crystal structures
  • a “facet” tool with filters to restrict results to properties, materials discipline or specific databases
  • device-agnostic (responsive) design so that content is now available on tablets, mobile phones, laptops and desktop computers