FAQ for netBASE collections

The Engineering Library has created a new FAQ and Troubleshooting Guide for the netBASE Collections, to help you use these rich ebook collections more effectively. The guide addresses such issues as setting up off-campus access, getting to full-text from the table of contents, and configuring Adobe Reader to work with netBASE collections.

The netBASE collections provide online access to thousands of handbooks, scientific and technical resources and databases that can be searched together or in subject-based groupings. They include BIOSCIENCEnetBASE, CHEMnetBASE, ENGnetBASE, ENVIROnetBASE, MATERIALSnetBASE, MATHnetBASE, and more.

For Mac users: As a reminder, people have reported problems using Preview to read PDF files from the netBASE collections. To resolve this issue, we recommend downloading and installing Adobe Reader. netBASE titles need Adobe Reader to open within the browser to work properly on both Macs and PCs. To make sure Adobe Reader opens within your browser, check the "Display PDF in browser" option within your Adobe Reader preferences.