On the Same Page at the Library

The Library is "On the Same Page" with all the new students in the College of Letters & Sciences, who have received a copy of the book Lincoln at Gettysburg: The Words that Remade America by Garry Wills. In addition to having the opportunity to read the same book as their new fellow Bears, students can attend discussion sessions led by professors during Welcome Week, take credit courses on related topics, and purchase half-price tickets to a lecture by the author on September 26. See the On the Same Page website at http://onthesamepage.berkeley.edu.

Students can also discover some of the rich resources the Library has to offer at http://www.lib.berkeley.edu/news_events/otsp2007.html and check out the display on Lincoln at Gettysburg at the entrance of Moffitt near the Free Speech Movement Cafe.

Welcome Week tours and workshops

Welcome to Berkeley on behalf of the Science & Engineering Libraries! (Or welcome back!) Many of the libraries will be offering tours and workshops during Welcome Week to help students learn about the wealth of resources available to them. Check our list of Library Events for more information.

Throughout the semester, many of the science and engineering libraries will offer additional workshops on using article databases, electronic journals, and EndNote. Links to our instruction schedules can be found at the Center for Science and Engineering Information Literacy (CSEIL).